Fabric Selection can be the fun part . . . . here are some suggestions for your hunt for the perfect fabric:
**Best Fabrics for slipcovers are 54” Decorator weight cottons, denim, heavy weight linen, duck cloth, twill, matellasse, jacquards, etc. You want it to bend and be pliable and shape well.
**Worst fabrics–Velvets, chenilles, anything with sticky/ rubber upholstery backing. These fabrics tend to get too THICK and don’t shape as well. Sometimes they can work, but for the most part I’d recommend staying away from these.
My favourite fabric sources:
1. Jo-Anns or Hobby Lobby–don’t forget to use a 40% off coupon—good for entire yardage (one cut).
2. www.bigduckcanvas.com has lots of great bull denim, twill, and linen at a great price. Get 10-12oz weight and 54″-60″ wide.
3. www.revolutionfabrics.com has a whole selection of washable and high performance fabrics.
4. www.tonicliving.com is my choice if you are willing to dry clean and you want a more luxurious look.
6. www.fabricguru.com…whole order ships for $5 (includes shipping)
7. www.fabrics-store.com has a good selection of heavy weight linen.
*most online sources sell samples